11th November 2022: ‘Rewilding’ later prehistory workshop 1: Biofuelled research: capturing the interpretative power of plant & animal remains in British archaeology
6000-year-old elm leaf from the new A585 bypass in west Lancashire (Image: Oxford Archaeology)
Date/time: Friday 11 November 2022, 09.30-16.30
Location: School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, 1/2 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG
Format: Hybrid invitation-only workshop with c. 40 in-person participants and a wider set of remote participants
Key aims to:
- Introduce the UKRI-funded ‘Rewilding’ later prehistory project to a key set of plant macrofossil/vertebrate animal remains (plant/animal remains) researchers
- Discuss the findings of recent steps taken across the discipline to:
- Collate large plant/animal remains datasets in fieldwork units/by individual specialists
- Synthesise and interpret plant/animal remains evidence beyond university settings
- Analyse and interpret plant/animal remains ‘big data’
- Gather information about the current character of plant/animal remains datasets across British archaeology and how researchers do currently, and would like to in future use these data
- Sketch out a co-authored (by all workshop participants) AEA conference talk
In-person places now fully booked. Email tina.roushannafas@oxfordarchaeology.com if you are interested in joining remotely.